What is Pelvic Care?
Pelvic Care is something I have been aware of for about 3 years, but haven’t consistently practiced until 4 months ago. I always thought pelvic care was for women who just gave birth, and the extent of my knowledge for pelvic care among women not pregnant was “just to practice kegels!” Turns out, that is not helpful advice for most active women. Right around the same time I was finding out about what pelvic care was, I saw a pelvic floor specialist because I would sneeze and pee all the time. Sometimes even laughing too hard made me pee. I went to her, and she taught me how to breathe into my pelvic diaphragm. She said that for most women who are active, they have “strong pelvic floor muscles!” What active women need to learn is how to relax the pelvic diaphragm in order for it to practice relaxing while sneezing. I am now practicing this more and more any chance I get; in the car, while I write this blog post, while talking with friends, and taking gentle yoga classes focused on breath.
What I am diving deeper into now, is internal massage of my pelvic diaphragm. It is a soft touch to care for my vulva, my internal tissues, and much more. There are many nerve endings in the pelvic bowl space, and many teachers say that a lot of emotional stories will arise as you go on this journey. For me, this was true and there have been a lot of numb areas that I am bringing online. This practice is about creating safety in your body, creating space to be curious, finding what feels good, what doesn’t, and what kind of touch you want from yourself. If you want more information, would love to direct you to some teachers and doctors who are involved in this work (send me an email). I already feel a deep connection to my root, and I am excited to see what the future holds dedicating myself to this practice.